Author: Jenny

Being a mom alone is a tough job and being a working mom hats off to you ladies. As a mother, you need to take care of and be present for your child. After that, you want to and must be present for them when they are going through puberty. The teenage of the children is the most sensitive and delicate period of both parents and kids lives. Parents are extra cautious and careful and some time over-controlling as being elder they know things. They want their child to have a pleasant life with no harm and bitter experience. Whereas…

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Facebook, the world’s largest social networking platform, commands a staggering monthly active user base of over 2.5 billion, yet not many people know how to tap into this to grow their brands. The truth is, whatever the size of your business, Facebook Advertising is something that you should be doing to reach out to your customers. Most people think that creating Facebook Ads is difficult. However, that is not actually the case. Creating Facebook Ads is something that ANYONE is capable of doing. Yes, you are going to need to learn a few things to get started, but once you…

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As the world is evolving, young and talented individuals are coming up with fresh business ideas. Everyone is participating in the race of making money by flourishing their businesses more and more. An ideal way of doing so is through marketing. The marketing team of every enterprise plays a crucial role in connecting the business with its potential customers. The key to having successful marketing campaigns is through effective advertisements. Advertisement is vital to every business. It helps in drawing the attention of the right kind of audience. Clients are connected with the business on a personal level. Above all,…

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This is an era which is dominated by smartphones and mobile applications. For this rightful reason, brands/businesses across the globe are launching their own application just to promote their products and services. Since every other organisation is planning on making their applications, the question that has been haunting them is the cost they have to pay to turn their idea into reality. Every single commodity out there has a price tag, and when it comes down to mobile app development companies, the price tag seems to be quite expensive. So it would be right to say that the cost for…

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Instagram revolutionized marketing in more ways than we can imagine. The company started in 2010 and is the reason for the popularization of social media with an emphasis on photos and videos. The platform has grown close to the hearts of over a billion people with the popularization of smartphones.  Source While most of us view Instagram as a fun platform to share personal media content. It has been a strong base for digital marketing for several businesses across the globe. The casual setting has a strong impact on users who feel the ease in connecting with brands and companies…

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In the world of robust business competition and fight for the customer base – the term ‘customer engagement’ or ‘customer experience’ pops up every single time. With more price ranges and migration costs marginalized, ‘customer satisfaction’ is the determining factor for any business. Looking at the sheer size of the loyal customer base of Apple and Starbucks, we can safely assume that they do things differently from others. The answer lies in customer engagement – they have focused their b2b business ideas metrics more into what their customer wants. According to independent research, nine out of ten Americans are willing…

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Setting up an eCommerce site for your business is a wise decision, but generating desirable sales is a milestone. The concept of running an eCommerce business is changing, and the giants in the market are leveraging the power of AI to automate and improve their business performance and grow their customer base. Artificial Intelligence has been around a while now and it keeps developing. As it enters the eCommerce industry, AI transforms the way people find the products they need online. It has also brought improvements in communication and the sales process. This post describes some of the methods you…

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Bitcoin – the most popular cryptocurrency. Many people back off when they hear about Bitcoin because they hear that “it is a volatile commodity which investors should avoid” before it collapses. But there is so much in the cryptocurrency world that skeptical people know little or nothing about. I would like to introduce Bitcoin as a gamechanger in the business industry, and you will learn why every investor should have a keen eye on this invaluable product and solution. As a business owner, you would be interested to know that Bitcoin brings a change in the way we do business.…

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